
Jubileumskonferansen: 10 nye år med handling!

Stopp hatprat fyller ti år! Dette feirer vi med JJubileumskonferansen: «10 nye år med handling!» 14.-17. november på Utøya. Her samles engasjerte fra hele landet: ungdommer, lærerer, ungdomsarbeidere, kommuneansatte, organisasjonsmennesker, med flere til en fire dager lang sosial og faglig…

Call: Nordic Conference – Youth Network Against Hate Speech

Are you concerned about the threat of hate speech to youth participation and inclusion? Do you want create a safe arena for Nordic cooperation and strengthening the abilities of the youth to counter hate speech in their environments? Join the conference and found a Nordic Youth Network Against Hate Speech at Utøya in Norway from 5-9 September 2024


Call for participants: Study Visit to Iceland

The Nordic Youth Network Against Hate Speech project is organising a study trip for youth to Iceland on 5-9 of May! During the study trip Finnish and Norwegian participants get to know Icelandic society and meet with local organisations and decision-makers. We’ll meet with local youth and exchange experiences and opinions regarding hate-speech as well as experience a bit of what the capital has to offer.